Using the Overview Report for Student Level Decisions

The Overview Report contains Academic, Attendance, and Behavior data. It’s purpose is to provide an at-a-glance summary of potential risks across the three indicator areas. It is designed to show indicators that are known to be early warning signs of potential trouble. If you have concerns or questions, please use the Student Success ticket system and provide details so we can see the same concerns you see.

See also: Using the System Level Overview Report for School/District Administrators and AEA staff

The students level Overview report, accessible by clicking on the Students tab and selecting Overview on the left menu, contains a summary data display for each of your indicator bars (Academics, Attendance, and Behavior) followed by a list of students and how they're doing in each of those areas. For teachers with only the MTSS classroom user role, this report will display only the students rostered to you. Use filters on the left menu bar to refine the list of students whose data is displayed.

The summary indicator bars display the percentages of students in the displayed list who are on-track or at-risk in each of the areas. Hover over an indicator on the bar to see a pop-out of the number of students in that indicator or click the indicator to filter the summary and students displayed by that criteria.

The list of students, located below the summary, displays the individual student data for each indicator.

What are the Academics, Attendance, and Behavior Indicators?

Academics: Effective in the 2022-23 school year, all Academic Indicators for all grade levels are based on the final and/or in-progress course grades entered in your student information system and the lowest grade on any course will be displayed. For more details on how grades get into Student Success, what data is used, and troubleshooting, See: Frequently Asked Questions: Grades in Student Success

Attendance: Displays the percent of students that have attended 90% or more of school days. For individual students, it displays the number of absences reported. See: Frequently Asked Questions: Attendance in Student Success

Behavior: Displays the percentage of students with behavior incidents on less than 3% of school days. For individual students it displays the number of behavior incidents. See: Frequently Asked Questions: Behavior in Student Success

The trending feature allows you to gain quick insights into a student’s performance. If a student’s academic, attendance, behavior learning have changed significantly in the previous 7 days, an arrow will appear next to the student indicator. 

  • The direction of the arrow indicates whether the student is improving or declining. The color of the arrow indicates where the student used to be. For example, a red arrow that is trending up indicates the student has improved and is no longer in the critical category
  • You can also filter and see only improving or declining students. Use the left navigation bar and select trending.

Understanding Cutpoints: At Risk vs. On Track

Understanding cutpoints is essential for making informed decisions about which students need the most support in different areas, including their academics, behavior, or attendance. In Student Success, each indicator bar is split into the following four colors, corresponding to whether or not students are considered on track, at risk, or critical based on their data in the platform.

Below you can find our standard cutpoints in Student Success for our three main indicator bars: academics, attendance, and behavior, where applicable. The cutpoints differ by each type of data and are based on research about when students are most likely to succeed.

Understanding Cutpoints Article Image.png