News! New Thresholds in Student Success

New Thresholds in Student Success

Risk thresholds for system level, attendance, and academics in Student Success are updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Thresholds were updated to better reflect research, common MTSS practices, and input from the field. Titles for each of the four risk categories were also updated to promote consistency in language and ease of interpretation (the labels on a few popups could not be updated). It is important to understand that the data driving these indicators comes from the raw data entered into your student information system (SIS). If your student information system is not set up to send academics, attendance, or behavior data those indicators will be missing from your Student Success view. 


Student Level Thresholds Summary

Student level thresholds indicate the predicted risk level for each student’s academic, attendance and behavior data based on the most recent data from the SIS. 

Student Threshold Image.png

                                         *Any version of letter (i.e. C+, C, C-)

  • Academics are fed by current grades in each subject area
  • Attendance is fed by individual full and half day attendance data
  • Behavior is based on the percent of days with a major/minor discipline referral incident


System Level Thresholds 

System level thresholds represent the percentage of students who are on track (in other words at low risk or very low risk) in each indicator (academics, attendance, behavior) for the selected school year. The same thresholds are now consistently applied for academics, attendance and behavior. Data from the system level represents the relative risk level of the building or system based on the proportion of students who are at low or very low risk. Buildings with less than 80% of their students at low or very low risk might be considered to be at risk as a system and have a greater need for systems level attention to improvement. 

System Threshold Image.png


The following is a more detailed analysis of the Student Level Thresholds for attendance, academics and behavior.


Student Attendance Thresholds 

Attendance thresholds provide a quick view of a student’s status based on their attendance. This can help you determine which students are at risk of becoming chronically absent so you can intervene early. It is important to note that the attendance data in Student Success is intended as a tool for looking at potential attendance issues and is not directly connected to any other attendance reporting or accountability. Because this data is based on raw, next day data, the data reported may not match up exactly with other data summaries. For more information about attendance data click here. 

Attendance Threshold Image .png


Student Academics Thresholds

Academics thresholds identify a student’s lowest grade for each subject in the selected timeframe. This can help you determine which students may benefit the most from academic intervention or support. 

Academics Threshold Image .png

The indicator is based on subject areas, not courses. If a student is failing two ELA courses, for example, the indicator will show 1 academic area at high risk, not 2 courses at risk. Go to the individual student view to examine all course grades separately. 

Please note that mapping of content areas to grade and attendance data in Student Success displays is dependent upon the coding of courses in the district’s student information system (SIS). This coding tells the system whether the course is science, math, etc. Without proper coding that aligns with the department’s course coding, all courses will be classified as “Other” and the system cannot display attendance and grade data by content area. For more information about course coding in your SIS click here.


Student Behavior Thresholds

No changes were made to the behavior thresholds. 

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