Parent/Staff CFL: Questions & Answers

The source of the Q/A below is the Parent & Staff Information Packet and may be updated in the original packet with commonly asked questions received throughout the survey window. Click here for the most current Q&A information.


What are Conditions for Learning (CfL)? Conditions for Learning tell us about the culture and climate of a school.  Conditions for Learning include things about safety, student engagement in learning and the overall learning environment.  They can help us to understand why students are doing well in school and why students may be struggling.
What are the Conditions for Learning School Staff and  Parent Surveys? The Parent and School Staff Conditions for Learning Surveys are available for voluntary use by school districts. The questions on the Parent and School Staff Surveys use the same five constructs that are in the Student Surveys and contain similar items. They will assess school staff and parent perceptions of student engagement, safety and the overall school environment.   
Why would a school want to administer the Parent and School Staff Surveys if they are optional? Since the Survey items are similar for all groups (students, parents and school staff), schools that administer all three versions of the Survey would be able to compare the results across all of the groups. Knowing how different groups respond to the Survey may be helpful in further identifying both areas of strengths to continue, and areas that may be improved.


Who is required to participate in the Parent and School Staff Survey? 

The Parent Survey is optional for schools to administer. The Department of Education must ask and collect responses from parents on the last four questions of the Parent Survey, in order to report as required under the Part B Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). However, the Survey is voluntary and no one is required to participate. 

The School Staff Survey is optional for schools to administer, as well as voluntary for staff to participate. 

Who should the Surveys be sent to?

All parents of students in preschool through grade 12 are invited to respond. 

School staff that teach or serve students in preschool through grade 12 are invited to respond.

When are the Parent and School Staff Surveys administered?  The Surveys will be available online from April 1-30, 2024.
Can parents take the Survey more than once if they have more than one child? Yes, parents with multiple children may take the survey once for each child.
Are there participation minimums in order for a school to have valid results?  There are no participation requirements, as the Survey is anonymous and voluntary. We encourage schools that choose to distribute the Survey to aim for 80% participation of their school staff, and as much participation of parents as possible.
Can we have an interpreter read aloud the Survey to parents for whom English is not their first language? Yes, Survey items could be read by an interpreter for parents to complete the Survey if that is a support or service that would typically be provided. Extra assurances regarding the confidentiality of their responses should be made to the parent by the interpreter. The individual reading the Survey items should not explain any of the questions, but can explain words. The Parent Survey will also be available in Spanish. 


How do we ensure we get the highest response rate possible from parents?   Schools are encouraged to use multiple methods of communication that are currently in place with parents such as emails, text messages, social media or announcements sent home with students.


Can any browser be used? The following browsers are supported by the online survey collection system:
  • Google Chrome versions 40 and higher
  • Firefox versions 34 and higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 11 and higher
  • Microsoft Edge all versions
  • Safari
Can surveys be administered on iPads and tablets? Yes, the Survey can be taken on iPads and other tablets.
What if the computer crashes or loses power when parents or school staff are taking the Survey? Can they continue their Survey? Responses are saved only when the blue Submit button is clicked. If the browser a parent or school staff is using is closed before they were able to submit, those answers were not saved. They should begin the Survey again. 
How do I know if I received the right link for my school?

There is one link for parents, and one link for school staff. Each group will select their school from a dropdown list based on the grade of the child they are responding for or the grades they interact with or teach. 

Users will know that they have selected the correct building if their district and school name appear at the top of the survey page.

Conditions for Learning Survey Results

When will Parent and School Staff Survey data be available, and how will they be used? Parent and School Staff Survey results will be available when the student data are provided to schools. Data from the Parent and School Staff Surveys will not be included in accountability calculations. Results will be reported back to schools in a similar manner to the Student Surveys, so that they can compare responses for identifying areas of strengths and areas for improvement.