Student Success includes two new reports focused on attendance: the Attendance Needs by Attendance Intervention Status report and the Recently Absent Students report. These reports are available on the left hand menu at the school level view or above. The best use of the reports will be at the building level. At the district, AEA or state level aggregated views of these reports may be helpful at times but some unusual data displays when working at the State and AEA levels should be expected. It will not be available to Classroom Users.
It’s important to understand that the data driving these reports comes from the raw daily attendance data as entered in the student information system. It is intended as a tool for looking at potential attendance issues and is not directly connected to any other attendance reporting or accountability. Because this is based on raw, next day data, the data reported may not match up exactly with other data summaries.
Attendance Needs by Intervention Status
In this report, you can see which students have attendance needs and the proportion of those students with or without an attendance intervention plan. From the student attendance details, you can quickly create attendance interventions for students in need.
Attendance Needs by Intervention Status identifies which students at their own school or across the district (with district level access) are currently missing 10% or more of their enrolled school days, along with the proportion of those students that are (or are not) receiving an attendance intervention. By clicking on a school in the table below, you can see the students represented on each graph and create an intervention plan for them.
Recently Absent Students
This report highlights students who have missed 3 of the past 10 school days. The purpose is to highlight which students are missing school lately, making it easier to spot emergent needs and respond to them.
Click to learn about navigating the reports
For users with district access or access to multiple locations, click the drop down below the report header to select a different location for this higher level view.
Use the View By options and Filters on the left side to explore the data in various ways.
Graphs scroll horizontally if there are more elements to display than will fit on the graph.
For district users viewing the report by school, click on a school name in the table below the chart to view attendance details of the students represented in the report.
In the student attendance details, click on the header to sort or apply filters on the left menu to explore data in different ways.
The ability to drill down into the represented data is only available when in View By > School. If viewing the report by grade, for example, the results on the table below the graph are not clickable. You will need to return to select School in View By, click on the name of the school, and then apply filters on the detailed table to refine the results as desired.
From the student attendance details page, you can also quickly create attendance interventions for individual students using the student’s Actions menu.
Return to the original report view by clicking on the navigation arrow next to the header.