myIGDIs student licenses are available at no cost to the school/program based on a state contract, within the following parameters:
Who is it available to?
Participants of Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP) classrooms in the year before kindergarten (i.e., 4- and 5-year-olds marked as preschool grade level in the local student information system). Includes participants of SWVPP classrooms at community partner locations.
What is available?
myIGDIs Early Literacy screening and progress monitoring. The state contract for myIGDIs does not cover the following:
- 3-year-olds
- 5-year-olds marked as kindergarten grade level in the local student information system
- Community based or private programs that do not have a partnership with the public school district to provide the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program
- Renaissance products outside of myIGDIs Early Literacy, such as myIGDIs Numeracy
Additional myIGDIs information is available on the Iowa Department of Education MTSS page and the myIGDIs Hub in Panorama Academy.