Weekly Progress Monitoring Percentage Appears Low

How to find the number of students not monitored

On the Weekly Monitoring Report graph, the blue line and data points represent school level data while the black represents grade level data. Hovering over data points will display the building/grade information, date and percentage, as well as the number of students who were monitored out of the total number of students who were below benchmark on the most recent screening window. Clicking on a data point of the highlighted line will keep the line highlighted when you remove your cursor.

The default assessment varies by grade, so the easiest way to find the students who weren’t monitored is to look at the data by grade level. In our example below, there are a total of 55 students in Kindergarten (from Enrollment on the chart below the graph), and when we hover on the KG level data point, it shows 17 of the students were below benchmark and 2 of them have monitoring scores. This means there are 15 students who weren't monitored.

Important things to remember about the Weekly Monitoring graph: 

  • The ‘out of’ number is the number of students who scored below benchmark on the default literacy assessment for their grade level, in the most recent completed screening window.
  • The number of students who scored below benchmark may change, as students with scores on the appropriate default assessment move in/out of the district.
  • Today’s progress monitoring scores aren’t included - assessment data updates nightly.

Finding the students who are missing PM scores

Quick instructions (experienced users): 

  1. Use the Literacy view on the Students tab 
  2. Filter by grade level (one grade at a time is recommended)
  3. Click Assessments on the left menu to expand
  4. Under the default assessment, click the box for some risk (yellow) and high risk (red) in the most recently completed screening window
    1. note the number of students shown (upper left)
  5. Click Progress Monitoring on the left menu and select No for the week (this works best looking at last week's PM)
    1. note the number of students (upper left)
    2. note the specific students missing PM and follow up as necessary
  6. The percent of students monitored graph information should align with the number of students in steps 4 & 5. 

Detailed instructions with visuals (new users):

1. Select the Literacy report view

2. Filter to the grade by clicking on Demographics on the left menu, then check the box next to the grade level (example: KG)

3. In the drop-down above the graph, select the default assessment for that grade (example: Early Reading for KG). This step isn't required but helps with viewing continuity.

4. On the Assessments filter (left menu), under the default assessment, click the boxes for Some Risk (yellow) and High Risk (red) for the most recently completed screening window.

Note: Screening windows are listed from oldest to newest in this filter. So the current or most recently completed window will be at the bottom. For our example, the Fall window is the most recently completed screening window.

5. Click the Progress Monitoring filter (left menu) and select No for the appropriate week.

6. The number of students displayed should be close to the number of students that were missing progress monitoring, according to the Weekly Progress Monitoring report. It's important to note that this report should be used as a general guide, not for numbers matching.

  • In the visual below, you can see a summary of the number of students (15 of 283 total students) who met the criteria. The criteria (filters) are listed below the number.
  •  If you remember, on the Weekly Monitoring report it showed 2 of 17 students had been monitored, meaning 15 were not, so the number in our example is accurate.
  • The students listed were below benchmark on the default assessment and do not have a progress monitoring score for the current week.

The students listed were monitored, how do I fix it?

The first step is to confirm that the students were monitored. For that, you’ll need to go to FastBridge and confirm the following:

  • The student has progress monitoring scheduled
  • a PM score was collected during the week in question
  • PM was not administered today (it takes overnight to update in Student Success)

If all of the above is in place and correct, please submit a ticket with the details to support_iowa@panoramaed.com.

The students listed were not monitored, what next?

When you find that students aren't being monitored, figure out any logistical problems that prevent PM from being collected, but also be on the lookout for indications that the PM data are not valued. Keep in mind that the reason for all of this is that collecting and using progress monitoring data helps teachers to have good quality data to know if interventions are closing the gap, or if they need to change out or intensify an intervention that is not working well enough. Poor compliance with collecting PM data may indicate that the teacher does not see the value or know how to use the data effectively to help improve student outcomes.