Using the Weekly Progress Monitoring Report

Overview of the Weekly Progress Monitoring Report

The Weekly Progress Monitoring report is used to view progress monitoring trends. It is a tool to use in examining data, not a Healthy Indicator report. The intent is to monitor students frequently and consistently to ensure reliable data to make good decisions about student improvement. The report is available at the State, AEA, District and School levels and is located on the Literacy report on the Weekly Monitoring report tab

The graph and table show data points expressed as a percentage. The denominator of the calculation is the number of K–6 students who scored below benchmark on the default literacy assessment administered during the most recently closed state-defined screening window.The numerator of the calculation is the number of those students for whom a valid progress monitoring score has been logged for a given week. This percentage will start at 0% in the beginning of the week (each Sunday) and increase as the week goes on as students receive monitoring. The graph shows the most recent 12 weeks.

Note: The weekly progress monitoring report looks for a progress monitoring score from any literacy measure, it is not grade specific so off-level monitoring is counted.

Using the Weekly Progress Monitoring Report

The goal line on the Weekly Progress Monitoring report is based on Healthy Indicator #2, that at least 90% of students requiring progress monitoring would have data collected each week. Use this report to explore patterns of progress monitoring completion and potential gaps in completion. Are some grades (or locations) often well below the 90% target? Look for patterns of weeks in which the percentage of students who are progress monitored decreases. Is it limited to weeks with fewer days in school? Does it appear to occur right before or after breaks? Does it take a long time to gear up progress monitoring after a screening window? The report defaults to a grade level view; explore the additional View By and Filters options to further identify patterns.

Additional investigation may be needed to identify the cause and potential solutions. For example, do all students requiring progress monitoring have an active progress monitoring plan set up in Fastbridge? Is there a clear understanding of which students should be monitored and who is responsible for monitoring? 

Navigating the Report

View a video tutorial: MTSS Data System Video Tutorial

On the school level report example, the blue line denotes the overall school level data. The default view is grade level. Gray data points are data broken down based on the current View By selection, which is also reflected in the table beneath (Free/Reduced Lunch in the image below). 

Hovering over data points on the graph will give additional details and graphed lines. Clicking on the gray dot will temporarily freeze the related data in a visible line.

 Important things to remember about the Weekly Monitoring graph: 

  • The ‘out of’ number is the number of students who scored below benchmark on the default literacy assessment for their grade level, in the most recently completed screening window.
  • The number of students who scored below benchmark may change, as students with scores on the appropriate default assessment move in/out of the district.
  • Today’s progress monitoring scores aren’t included - assessment data updates nightly.

See Also: Weekly Progress Monitoring Appears Low