Using Healthy Indicator #5: K-6 Interventions

Overview of the K-6 Interventions Report (HI #5)

Understanding what question(s) a report is designed to answer and what data are displayed is essential to data-based decision-making using the Healthy Indicator reports. The K-6 Interventions report (HI #5) was designed to answer the question: Are we providing interventions for students who need them?

The K-6 Interventions report (HI #5) is located on the Literacy report on the Monitoring & Intervention report tab and can be viewed at the state, AEA, district, and school levels. For this document, we’ll examine the school level report. At this time, only literacy data is included in this Healthy Indicator report. 

The time span is displayed in the upper right corner of the report. In the example below (Fall to Winter), the data displayed is from the day after the Fall screening window closed through the day before the Winter screening window started. To view previous time spans, click the box and change the selection. You can also click on the gray dot with a ? in it to the left of the time span box to view the exact dates of the screening windows, if needed.

To view the report definition, which includes what the report is intended to do, what data is used, how the calculations are made, as well as the goal, click the gray dot with the ? next to the Healthy Indicator report title.

For the K-6 Interventions report, Student Success examines scores from the two most recent screening windows to locate and count students who scored below benchmark on the default assessments in both of the windows. Then it looks for an active intervention plan (either group or individual) for those students and uses that information to calculate the percentage of those who were below benchmark in both windows. Interventions that are marked past due or future dated during the report span are not counted. 

Remember, interventions do not transfer from FastBridge to Student Success, so the system is only tracking interventions that are entered directly in Student Success.

Using the K-6 Interventions Report (HI #5) Data - School Level

The idea behind this report is that students who have a history of being below benchmark need intervention to be successful, and interventions should be actively monitored for effectiveness. A “set it and forget it” approach to interventions may comply with ELI requirements; however, the intent is to select and implement interventions matched to a students’ needs and utilize best practices for monitoring effectiveness. Progress monitoring data should be reviewed routinely to confirm whether the intervention is having the desired effect. Ineffective interventions should be adapted, intensified, or replaced. 

View a video tutorial in: MTSS Data System Video Tutorials

Hover over the bar to view the number of students with active interventions out of the total number below benchmark on two consecutive screening windows. 

Use View By and Filters on the left menu to check for patterns of missing or inactive interventions that may indicate the need for attention. See instructions in the section below for details.

K-6 Interventions Percentage Seems Low? 

If the percentage on your K-6 Interventions report seems lower than expected and you believe that interventions are in place in Student Success, check for students with interventions that are labeled ‘past completion’ or have a future start date. This report counts only interventions that are active during the span displayed on the report.

How to check for inactive interventions:

The most efficient way to check for past completion and future dated interventions is on the Intervention Plans and Group Plans page where labeling and dates are easily viewed. Staff who are listed on the intervention team will have access to those views. If you are not on the intervention team, alternative directions using the Students tab are listed below.

  1. On the Students tab, select the Literacy report on the left menu.
  2. Under the demographics filter, select the grade level. When checking building-wide or multiple grades at the same time, it’s best to view by grades that have the same default assessment.
  3. Select the default assessment for the filtered grade(s).
  4. Filter to find students with below benchmark risk levels by clicking the bar or boxes on the graph  - yellow (some risk) red (high risk). Do this for the two most recently completed screening windows. 
  5. Under Intervention Plans on the left filter menu, select Status: In progress.
  6. On the resulting list, click on each student’s name to view the intervention information on their student profile page. If an intervention is marked complete or past completion or the start date is a future date, they are not being counted for the K-6 Interventions report (HI #5).

How to check for students with no intervention:

To locate students who were below benchmark in two screening windows but do not have an intervention plan or their plan has been marked complete, follow steps 1-5 above but select Status: Completed and No plan on the Intervention Plans filter.