Using Healthy Indicator #2: K-6 Progress Monitored

Overview of the K-6 Progress Monitored Report (HI #2)

Before you use a healthy indicator report to examine your system, it’s important to know what you’re looking at. Understanding what question(s) the report is designed to answer and what data are displayed is essential to data-based decision making. The K-6 Progress Monitored report (HI #2) was designed to answer the question: Are progress monitoring data being collected for students who need monitoring?

The K-6 Progress Monitored report is located on the Literacy report on the Monitoring & Intervention report tab and can be viewed at the state, AEA, district and school levels. For the purpose of this document, we’ll examine the school level report. At this time, only literacy data is included in Healthy Indicator reports. 

The span of time displayed on the current report is located in the upper right corner of the report. In the example below, the time span is Fall to Winter. This means the data on the report displayed is from the day after the Fall screening window closed through the day before the Winter screening window started. To view previous time spans, click the box and change the selection. You can also click on the gray dot with a ? in it to the left of the time span box to view the exact dates of the screening windows, if needed.

Note on the report span: if viewing the report between screening windows, select the previous span between windows to view complete data

By default, the report will display the most recent span between screening windows. When viewed between screening windows, the time span in the upper right corner will be labeled in progress, as the data is incomplete. Percentages will represent the monitoring completed thus far, not the total for the span of weeks between the windows, since all of the weeks will not have occurred yet. For example, if you view the K-6 Progress Monitored report three weeks after the window closes, it will display the percentage of students who have a progress monitoring score for the three weeks since the end of the window. If a student does not have a monitoring score for one or more of the previous weeks, they will not be counted in the percentage until enough weeks have elapsed that they have been monitored 80% of the weeks completed. Percentages could appear incorrect until later in the window when there are more weeks of data to summarize. Use this report primarily as a summary of long-term consistency in progress monitoring, and use the weekly monitoring report for ongoing monitoring and troubleshooting. 

To view the report definition, which includes what the report is intended to do, what data is used and how the calculations are made, as well as the goal, click the gray dot with the ? next to the Healthy Indicator report title.

Continuing with the Fall to Winter example and using the report definition screenshot above, to address the K-6 Progress Monitored report (HI #2), the system counts all of the students who were below benchmark on the default assessment for Fall screening. The system then looks to see if these students have weekly progress monitoring scores (on any literacy measure, at any grade level) at least 80 percent of weeks between the Fall screening window end and the Winter screening window start. 

Using the K-6 Progress Monitored Report (HI #2) Data - School Level Data

View a video tutorial for Healthy Indicator #2 in: MTSS Data System Tutorials

The K-6 Progress Monitored report provides a big-picture summary of how consistently progress monitoring data have been collected across all students over an extended time span. Given that there will always be times when monitoring cannot occur, whether it be snow days or student absences, the report has built-in “wiggle room” by specifying 80% of weeks and 90% of students. Unfortunately, this makes the report less suitable for exploring details. To explore the actual patterns of progress monitoring completion, use the Weekly Progress monitoring graph and the student list page filters.  

The Weekly Progress Monitoring Graph is a tool to assist with tracking progress monitoring completion at a more granular level. It is located on the Weekly Monitoring report tab just to the left of the Monitoring & Intervention tab on the Literacy report. The graph allows you to view the weekly percentage of students who were below benchmark on the default assessment and for whom progress monitoring data was logged. It can be used to help identify where gaps in progress monitoring exist. 

See Using the Weekly Progress Monitoring Report for more information and Weekly Progress Monitoring Percentage Appears Low for instructions on locating students who were not monitored.

With that information, there are two avenues of action. One is to make sure that students needing progress monitoring are being tested. The other is to explore and remediate any beliefs or roadblocks that are in the way of regular progress monitoring. A common roadblock is the necessity to monitor more than 20% of students. An MTSS framework for weekly monitoring is sustainable based on the universal tier of instruction meeting the needs of 80% or more of students. While increasing the monitoring for students who need it, regardless of percentage, it may be wise to examine the universal tier of instruction at the same time.