Using Healthy Indicator #1: K-6 Screened

Overview of the K-6 Screened Report (Healthy Indicator #1)

Before you use a healthy indicator report to examine your system, it’s important to know what you’re looking at. Understanding what question(s) the report is designed to answer and what data are displayed is essential to data-based decision making. The K-6 Screened report (HI #1) was designed to answer the question: Does our universal screening include most/all of our students or are we missing groups of students? 

The K-6 Screened report (HI #1) is located on the Literacy or Mathematics report on the Screening report tab and can be viewed at the state, AEA, district and school levels. For the purpose of this document, we’ll examine the school level literacy report.

New! Math healthy indicator report #1 is now available to schools that selected FAST earlyMath, aMath, or CBMmath Automaticity as their default assessment in CASA. See: Math Healthy Indicator Reports Differences for more information about the differences in math healthy indicators.

The upper right corner of the report displays the screening window in which the data was collected. In the example below, the screening window is Fall. This means the data on the report is a ‘snapshot’ based on school enrollment and screening data at the end of the last day of the Fall screening window. To view previous time spans, click the box and change the selection. You can also click on the gray dot with a ? in it to view the exact dates of the screening windows, if needed.

When viewing the K-6 Screened report (HI #1) during the screening window, you will see (in progress) listed next to the screening window in the upper right corner. 

To view the report definition, which includes what the report is intended to do, what data is used and how the calculations are made, as well as the goal, click the gray dot with the ? next to the report title.

For this report, Student Success locates and counts the number of K-6 students enrolled in the building with an applicable school entry code on the last day of the screening window. This data comes from the district’s student information system. The resulting number is used as the denominator in the percentage calculation and is displayed as the enrollment number. The system then locates scores for the default literacy or math assessment collected during the screening window for the students enrolled.

Using the K-6 Screened report (HI #1) Data - School Level

Screening students using a valid and reliable universal screening assessment is an important part of the literacy early warning system. The K-6 Screened report is designed to help schools examine their system and identify gaps in screening practices. This is not for compliance as much as because systematic screening facilitates early identification of potential problems, allowing intervention while gaps are small. Reaching nearly all students ensures that students do not fall through the cracks. It also ensures that to the extent possible, the results of screening represent the overall state of all students in the school. It is understood that there could always be a few students who are not assessed for various reasons, including students taking the alternate assessment, students who are dual enrolled or home schooled and parents have declined to participate in screening, or even simply students who have extended absences and simply aren’t available during the screening period. This is one reason that the goal is 95% and not 100%.  

Navigating the Report

View a video tutorial in: MTSS Data System Video Tutorials

Hover over the bar to view the number of students screened with the default assessment during the screening window out of the total number of students enrolled. Ask yourself if there was a pattern to who was missed, and if it makes sense or not. 

Use View By and Filters on the left menu to check for patterns. Look for grades and demographics with low screening percentages. Collaborate with your teams to gather more information on factors impacting consistent screening.

Frequently Asked Questions about the K-6 Screened Report (HI #1)

Why do the % screened and at benchmark on the District and School views look different than on the Students view?

The School, District, and AEA tabs capture all enrolled students who were screened with the default assessment at that school during the screening window, while the Students tab shows students who are currently enrolled and allows the user to toggle between assessments (if more than one assessment was administered). 

If the numbers on the School and Students views are off by more than a few, it may be an indication that students were screened outside of the window. Healthy indicator reports only take into account data from state defined screening windows on the school’s default assessment.

Why are HSAP and Dual-Enrolled Students Including in HI reports?

Click HERE to view the article that answers this FAQ.