Will districts, schools, and programs be required to use the Behavior Module?
No. Behavior Module data may be helpful to review the social-emotional-behavioral health of the system and respond proactively to areas of local concern, but it is totally optional to use.
What SIS fields are included in the Behavior Module? Will those need to be entered in a separate system?
Data used will be from the office referral data entry in the SIS. See: Iowa Data Fields for Behavior Module. It’s important to review the data entry fields in the SIS and local definitions for behavioral terms, as well. See Action steps to use the Behavior Module in Exploring the Behavior Module in Student Success.
Can we make the categories in our local SIS the same as the Iowa Data Fields for Behavior Module?
Yes. You can view reports for the data in Student Success and view individual data in the local SIS, so making them match is an optional, local decision.
What special considerations need to be made for early childhood and preschool? How might the data align (or not align) with more comprehensive social-emotional support systems?
For many young learners, preschool is the first structured educational experience. Learning routines, expectations, and negotiating the social-emotional world that includes others is absolutely normal and expected learning, aligned to the Iowa Early Learning Standards. Intentional social-emotional-behavioral support is embedded daily into all instruction, routines, activities, and play. Use of behavior analytics is for the purpose of instructional response and support to address student needs; also a very effective approach at other grade levels.
Is there a place to enter/display notes in the Behavior Module?
Notes are not available in the Behavior Module currently. The sources of behavior incidents/actions, motivations, and outcomes data are checkboxes in the local SIS, which are sorted into pre-existing fields in the Behavior Module.
Can multiple behaviors, motivations, or outcomes be marked for a single incident?
No, educators should identify the highest behavior of concern or record multiple behavior incidents in the local SIS. Each behavior incident displayed in Student Success will allow only 1 motivation and 1 outcome. While behavior is complex and multi-faceted, focusing on the behavior, motivation, and outcome of greatest concern will allow for the prioritized and most effective response.
Can data from SWIS, Pyramid Model Implementation Data System, or other data systems be imported into the Behavior Module?
No, not at this time. However, the data fields and concepts should be familiar to those using other social-emotional-behavioral data systems.
Can we customize the fields/labeling in the Behavior Module for incident/action, motivation, or outcome?
No, however, the fields for incidents, motivation, and outcome can be customized in the local SIS, as long as they map to standard fields in the Behavior Module, meet state reporting requirements, and transmit correctly in the SIF data. Consider this during the local discussions about behavior definitions mentioned in the Action steps to use the Behavior Module in Exploring the Behavior Module in Student Success.
Our data displays in the Behavior Module show a lot of “Other” or uncoded data. Can we see that data and where it should go?
Behavior data comes directly from the local SIS. One step in the Action items to use the Behavior Module in Exploring the Behavior Module in Student Success is to discuss local definitions for incidents, motivation, and outcomes; consider any updated thinking or crosswalks that may be needed between these categories and common practice (ie. ‘motivation’ in Student Success may be called ‘function’ locally). As mentioned above, some customization of data fields in the SIS may be possible, which could be beneficial to eliminate confusion on aligning local definitions with the data fields in the Student Success Behavior Module. Contact support_iowa@panoramaed.com if you need assistance with behavior data in Student Success.
How will individual interventions and social-emotional-behavioral progress monitoring flow into the Student Success Behavior Module?
Progress monitoring for individual students and groups may be entered manually. This is not required. Note that “office referrals” or major/minor incidents may be an indicator for the health of our system, but they are a poor monitoring measure for individuals in most cases. Use a progress monitoring measure that is sensitive to growth based on instructional supports; one that helps to know when to intensify instruction or fade supports.