Frequently Asked Questions: Grades in Student Success

Important: All information on grade data integration is to the best of our current knowledge. This is new functionality that is still a work in progress and it’s a learning process. We’ll keep this document updated, as new information becomes available. 

How does the academic (grade or percentage) data get into Student Success? How frequently is it updated?

The grade/percentage data entered in your local student information system (SIS) for in-progress and finalized grades are imported nightly into Student Success. When both types of grades are available, the system will give preference to finalized grade information. JMC automatically sends both in progress and final grades, but PowerSchool and Infinite Campus require setup in the SIS to send in progress grades. Consult your SIS support for more information.

My district uses a different grading system than “A,B,C,D,F.” How will my district’s grade/course information get into Student Success?

The system will automatically import any grades that can be automated without interpretation. If your school does not use ABCDF or 0-100% for grading, we will need to work to map your grading scale onto the indicators. Submit a support request in Student Success or email and include information about the scale you use, and select an example student with a variety of grades so we have a test case identified.

All of the grades for my K-8 students are showing up as "other." Why is this happening?

Grades 9-12 use SCED coding already in order to identify the content area for the class. There is a parallel set of coding for K-8. Read about it in Coding of Courses in your Student Information System for Grade/Attendance Displays in Student Success.

Why can’t we can’t see any academic data for some or all grade levels in Student Success?

There may be a number of different issues causing this such as SIS or SIF settings, or  non-traditional grading, which may not be compatible with the current display options. The first step is to ensure that your SIF is set up to send grades. If that is correct, check the settings related to which grades are sent to make sure it’s set to include in-progress grades. If not, you will not see grades displayed until final grades are entered in your SIS. We encourage allowing in-progress grades to be sent. Note:  Infinite Campus and PowerSchool require specific setup to allow in-progress grades to send. You may need to reach out to your SIS vendor support team, if you’re uncertain about these settings. For additional support, submit a support request in Student Success or email Please include the district, building, and give us a specific student example (first and last name) to investigate, with an example course and grade you expect to see based on what is in your SIS.

The academic data (grade or percentage) displayed in Student Success is incorrect, what should we do?

Keep in mind, this is new functionality and there are lots of quirks to work out in Student Success, in your SIS, etc., which may take time. Although grades update nightly, there could be file transfer issues, so we recommend checking back after the next nightly update to see if it corrects the problem. Also, we are unable to correct historical grade data errors because the SIS only sends the current grades each time. This means if a grade is changed in your SIS, it will not correct the historical grade data captured in Student Success. 

If the current grade is inaccurate or missing, we can investigate. Submit a support request in Student Success or email Please include the district, building, and give us a specific student example (first and last name), the grade that is problematic, and what is entered in your SIS. Screenshots can be extremely helpful.

What grade data is displayed?

Grades are used for the Academic indicator on the Overview report, and displayed on the individual student profile. On the Overview report, the lowest grade/course information will be displayed in Student Success for students (across different subjects, such as Math, English-language arts, Science, etc.). See Using the Overview Report for Student Level Decisions and Using the Overview Report - Schools, Districts, and AEAs for more information on the indicator calculation and cut points.