Selecting Your District's Default Assessment

Iowa schools are required to select a state approved literacy assessment for each K-6 grade level. That assessment is set as the default literacy assessment for the school year and is used for Healthy Indicators and Early Literacy Implementation (ELI) reporting. For districts who utilize FastBridge math assessments, you are encouraged to select a default math assessment, as this will allow the data to populate into reports in the Student Success data system.

Click to view K-6 Default Assessment Selections (from CASA)

Tip: The previous year's default literacy assessments selected for the district/building are visible in CASA during the new default selection process.

How to Select Default Assessments

The school default assessment selection and district review will occur in the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA). New timelines this year will allow districts to select their default selection May 29-June 17th and have the opportunity to review and make changes (if needed)  August 1-15th.

  1. Team discussions - We recommend working with your administrative team now to discuss your default assessments for next year and to coordinate a plan for timely completion of this task. If any changes in administration is expected over the summer, please be sure to make those changes in the School Information Update application in EdPortal with any changes to ensure the CASA application is ready in August.
  2. Default assessment selection - Building leadership will select and then the superintendent will need to validate the school's default assessment for literacy and optional math in the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) between May 29-June 17th and will have an additional opportunity to review/update August 1 - 15. See the Iowa Department of Education CASA Requirements

Once confirmed in August, the default assessment will remain the same for the school year. Team collaboration to select the assessment and communication of the selection are imperative to ensure accuracy and avoid confusion.