myIGDIs data can be used to address system level questions through the Literacy report in Student Success. Since myIGDIs does not have a composite score, this data is not available in Healthy Indicators. However, teams can use system level myIGDIs scores to think about questions such as:
- Are all learners being screened?
- How many/what percentage of learners have needs?
- What global areas of early literacy might need to be supported in our program?
Viewing systems data using the Literacy report:
The Literacy report will not include myIGDIs data on the AEA, District, or School tabs. You must begin with the Students tab and select the Literacy report on the left menu before filtering to grade level PK and selecting a myIGDIs subtest to view.
The resulting report provides a summary view, which can be used to examine data at the systems level, as well as student level data. The graph (see above) contains the summary information for the selected myIGDIs subtest across screening windows based on available data and can be used in systems level analysis.
General tips for viewing myIGDIs data on the Literacy report:
- If you don’t select a myIGDIs subtest, there will be no data to display.
- Only one subtest can be displayed at a time.
Using the data to answer systems questions
From the summary view for each subtest, you can answer questions about how preschool learners in the building are doing, generally:
Is the percentage of children who are low risk (strong progress) increasing from one screening window to the next?
- Hover over the green bar for the first screening window, and compare to the percentage in green for the second screening window.
Is the percentage of children who are at-risk (moderate progress; discontinued) decreasing from one screening window to the next?
- Hover over the yellow and red bars for the first window, and compare to the percentages in yellow and red for the second window.
Does the percentage of children who are low risk reach building goals, or approach those goals?
- Hover over the green bar for the most recent window and compare the percentage to local building goals. The ideal is for 80% or more of learners to be successful without additional resources.
As the data are examined between subtests, are there areas that appear to need more support in general?
- Move between the different subtests using the Literacy report, and review the percentage at risk. Is there an area (oral language, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, early comprehension) that the percentage at risk is higher than the others?
What percentage of learners are maintaining low risk status from one screening window to the next, or moving from at-risk status (i.e., moderate progress or discontinued status) to low risk status on the selected subtest?
- Click in the box next to the percentage with strong progress (green) for the most recent window and compare it to the number with strong progress for the previous window. Are there more learners with a status of strong progress in the current window? Click on the previous screening window header to sort the list so that learners who changed status are listed first.
- Next, click in the box next to the percentage with strong progress (green) in the previous window to view the number and list of learners who maintained low risk status. You will need to do some calculation to determine the percentage of learners who maintained low risk status: (number of learners who were screened and received a strong progress status in the ending window/number of learners who were screened in both windows and received a strong progress status in the starting window).
Viewing student level data in the Literacy Report
Under the summary view will be the learners list of scores for the selected subtest. Click on a screening window header to sort data in ascending or descending order. This can help address questions such as:
Which learners are missing screening data? Click on the gray bar. This will produce a list of learners with missing data
Which learners met benchmark (i.e., low risk)? Click in the box next to the percentage with strong progress (green). Click the screening window header to sort the list of learner’ scores in order.
Which learners have current needs in the domain measured by the selected subtest? (i.e., those who are at-risk based on moderate progress or discontinued status)? Click in the boxes next to the percentage with moderate progress (yellow) and for whom the test was discontinued (red). Click the screening window header to sort the list of learners’ scores in order.
From the student level Overview report, you may click on a learner’s name to go directly to their individual student profile page. This will display a series of line graphs, for each subtest, with the learner’s scores across screening windows to date. If progress monitoring is in place, separate line graphs for progress monitoring will appear.
From this view, the following questions could be addressed:
- Does this learner have needs?
- If the learner’s scores indicate risk, what is the instructional need (based on what is assessed by the subtest in which the child scored in the at-risk range)? See table of myIGDIs subtests and domains measured here.
- In which areas is the child low risk (strong progress)?
- After the winter or spring screening window, is the learner maintaining low risk status from one screening window to the next, or moving from at-risk status to low risk status?
- Has additional instruction/supports worked, e.g., based on progress monitoring data?
Important note about PK data integration and the overview report:
Effective in 2022-23 school year, the Overview report academic indicator is calculated using student grades rather than assessment data so PK students may not see an academic indicator. Student Success includes behavior and attendance information (when available) from the school’s student information system for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds in PK, as well as myIGDIs data for 4-, and 5-year-olds in preschool. This will affect some of the displays for academics, as no myIGDIs information will be available for 3-year-olds. Only 4- and 5-year-olds in the PK grade level are eligible for myIGDIs Early Literacy assessment.