Navigating Behavior Analytics

Navigating Behavior Analytics in Success

Educators and leaders can use Behavior Analytics in Student Success at the district, school, and student-level to analyze patterns across school climate and culture and to uncover opportunities to provide students with additional support.

Behavior Webinar Recording 

Below is the recording of a webinar from May 2022 which will give a high level overview of how to use the tool. 

Review District and School-Level Behavior Data

A key component of Panorama Student Success is being able to better understand data about student behavior; it reflects key information about the overall strength of school climate and culture, and an opportunity to grow student and educator social-emotional learning.

The Behavior dashboard is a valuable place to start gathering key insights about the current state of behavior. Let’s start on the District or School dashboard. To view the district or school level aggregate reports click on “Behavior” at the top left of the navigation bar (Figure 1.).

Figure 1. Student Success District Dashboard with blue box highlighting “Behavior” button on navigation pane.

Once you land on the Behavior dashboard you'll see the number of incidents at your district or school. The Behavior dashboard (Figure 2.) helps you visualize the behavior data in a few different ways. You will see the following information:

  1. Behavior Incident Attribute dropdown (A): A dropdown menu that includes a list of Behavior Incident Attributes such as Location  or Severity. 
  2. Graph Chart (B): This is a histogram that displays the data broken down by the Behavior Incident Attribute that you can select in the dropdown menu. 
  3. Table (C): Where you can sort alphabetically or numerically the behavior data that has been selected. 
  4. School Year Selection Dropdown (D): School Leaders and Educators with access to at least one prior year of Behavior data can select the school year in the School Year selection dropdown.

Figure 2. Behavior Dashboard with blue box a highlighting chart display: Incident Attribute dropdown, histogram, table and School Year selection dropdown.

At the top of the Behavior dashboard, directly under “Select chart display,” you can select an Incident Attribute from the dropdown menu.  The dropdown features a predefined list of options where you or other educators can select an Incident Attribute to display your data  in the below bar graph and table (Figure 3.). Incident Attributes come directly from your student information system.

Available Incident Attributes:

  • Severity (Major or Minor)
  • Incident Action
  • Outcome
  • Location
  • Month
  • Day of Week

Figure 3. Student Success Behavior District Page with blue box highlighting the “Incident Attributes Dropdown” and listing all options.

On the left navigation bar, you can use the “View by” and “Filter” options which include Demographics and Incident Attributes to understand and analyze behavior incidents (Figure 4.). By default, “View by”  is set to school on the District dashboard and is set to grade level on the School dashboard. 

Figure 4. Student Success Behavior District Page with blue box highlighting the “View By” and Filter on left navigation bar.

District Page

On the district page, you can use “View by” and “Filter” to help educators analyze behavior incidents and see patterns they wish to explore further in the district or at a particular school site.

When you use View By (Figure 5.), you are choosing to view your data through the breakdown that is most important to you. You can then view this information to better understand how to best support this group of students.

Figure 5. Student Success Behavior District Page with blue box highlighting the “View by” and data table as well as an Arrow pointing "View By" options.

When you select the Incident Attribute Filter, such as Location, you can then use filters to help narrow down and identify trends in behavior (Figure 6.).

Figure 6. Behavior District Page with blue box highlighting the “Incident Attribute” Filters and arrow pointing selected location filters (Cafeteria and Classroom). Additional blue box highlighting grey box demonstrating selected filter and and number of students after filter has been selected.

In the below visual (Figure 7.), you can see how View by and Filter may be utilized to focus on specific school sites and focus areas of your behavioral data. Viewing by school and selecting your Demographics or Incident Attribute Filter will generate the number of incidents per school that fit your criteria in the chart display. This can help guide you to schools in your district that may need some support than others in these areas.   

Figure 7. Moving visual selecting "View By" school and Incident Action "Filter" in left navigation bar.

After reviewing the data filtered by School, you can click on any school name listed to view that school’s available data with the same criteria that you selected. You can always see which filters are applied by checking the gray boxes underneath the "Overview" header. 

In Figure 8., the following criteria is selected: 

  • Grade Level: 11
  • Incident Month: September
  • Incident Action: Tardiness
  • Incident Location: Classroom

Figure 8. Gray boxes illustrating filters selected.

School Page

The School page will provide a behavioral insight of your students at the school-level with a chart display of your data.  

Similar to the” View by” on the district page, on the school page Grade level will automatically be the default view of your Behavior dashboard. Whether this means viewing by grade level or any of the Incident Attributes available, educators can follow data inquiry paths that best helps them support students (Figure 9.).

On the school page, you can sort and select any grade level in your chart in order to support the groups of students that have been narrowed down by any filters you may have selected. With these same filters applied you can click on the grade level to get to a list of students who might benefit from more targeted support.

Figure 9. Behavior School Page with blue box highlighting number of students after filter has been selected, an arrow pointing towards "View by" Grade Level in left navigation bar, and blue box highlighting grade levels in data table. 

Supporting Students with Behavior Data

Educators can navigate from high level trends and data inquiry at the school level to a list of students who can benefit from more targeted supports. Additionally, we can remove or add student demographics and Incident Attribute filters help educators identify specific groups of students. Once you have narrowed down a group of students who you wish to further support, you can create individual or group intervention plans, monitor or update existing intervention plans, and dive even further into the academic, attendance and SEL data (for districts contracted with Panorama for SEL) for these students (Figure 10.). 

Figure 10. Behavior Students Page with blue box highlighting Incident Attribute filters selected and the number of students after Incident Attribute filters have been selected, and an arrow pointing towards Selected "At-Risk" SEL indicator bar.

Students Profile

By clicking on a student's name or picture, you can navigate to their student profile. You'll see any interventions students are a part of, their current and full year's grades, day-to-day attendance, any behavior incidents and, for districts contracted with Panorama for SEL, self-reported SEL skills (Figure 11.).


Figure 11. Moving visual clinking on a student and directed towards student profile. Then scrolling down to see behavioral data.


On the Student Profile, if Behavior data is associated with the student, you will see details of each incident. You can click on the incident to expand the bar and view more information such as the location and severity associated with any incidents (Figure 12.). If you have any concerns about showing this information, please contact your Panorama project team, as they will be able to advise on configuring this section to meet your needs.

Figure 12. Behavior data with blue box surrounding location and severity of behavior incident on students profile.