Within Student Success, there are several types of ‘groups’, which can cause confusion when trying to communicate about the system and data.
Brief Overview of Types of Groups
Student Groups: Users can create a list of students, saved on the Groups tab, that can be edited and shared. There are two options for these type of groups:
- group (aka static group)- List of selected students that will remain the same unless edited.
- smart group- A dynamic list based on filters. A smart group displays the students who currently meet the criteria of the filters.
- Intervention Plan Groups: Users may apply an intervention plan to multiple students, creating an Intervention Group. Once created, intervention team members may view the group data in one interface by going to Students > My Group Plans.
Group Details
Smart and static student groups are shareable but users will only see students in these groups if they have the correct permissions to view the students in Student Success. i.e. for a classroom user, the students must be rostered to that teacher in the district’s student information system.
Smart Groups
Smart Student Groups are essentially saved filter sets that let you create a set of filter selections that can be applied whenever you wish to find the students who currently meet the filter criteria. If a student’s information changes and they meet/no longer meet the filter criteria, they are added or removed from the group accordingly.
For example, on the Students tab, set the demographic filters to a single grade and select At Risk and Persistently at Risk under literacy statuses. Click the Save button and you’ll have a group that can be used to find the students meeting those criteria. As students are assessed during each of the screening windows, the group will automatically update as literacy statuses change. No need to recreate or manually update each window!
Go to: instructions for creating smart group
Groups (aka Static Groups)
Static groups are nothing more than a selection of students you want to see together. It may help to call them Static Student Groups. Click the checkbox next to the names of the students you want to include in the group, and use the Add to Group button that appears at the top of the page, and you’ll be prompted to add the students to an existing group, or create a new one. The list of students remains the same unless it is edited.
Go to: instructions for creating (static) group
Intervention Plan Groups
Intervention Plan Groups let you place a selection of students into the same intervention. Plan groups can be created on the My Group Plans page by clicking Create Plan Group or by checking the box next to student names on the Students tab and click the Create Group Intervention Plan button on the purple action menu at the top. Intervention team members can view the group by clicking My Group Plans under the Interventions menu on the Students tab.
Note: Intervention plans can also be set up for a student individually.