How FastBridge and Student Success Communicate:
The nightly data flow from FastBridge to Student Success contains student score data (both screening and PM), which is connected by the student’s state id number. FastBridge does not send ANY information about interventions entered in FastBridge, only screening and monitoring. The data flow is a one-way street from FastBridge to Student Success. No data flows from Student Success to FastBridge.
Progress Monitoring and Intervention Setup
Tip: PM and Interventions can be set up in any order.
1. Create your progress monitoring plan(s) in FastBridge
- Progress monitoring is scheduled and administered in FastBridge. Instructions are located in Creating a Progress Monitoring Plan
- Important! Make sure to update the end of year goal and start score in the FAST PM setup. These are used in the PM graph construction in Student Success. See: How to Ensure Intervention & PM Graph Accuracy
- We don’t recommend assigning interventions in FastBridge, as that data doesn’t transfer to Student Success and interventions must be entered in Student Success for state reporting.
2. Create your interventions in Student Success for individuals or groups
- For ELI, the Iowa Department of Education expectation is to track interventions in Student Success.
- See: How to Create an Intervention
- Tip: Make sure to work with your Student Success Intervention Library Editor to set up interventions that will be used in the intervention library, rather than using the 'custom intervention' option during setup. This will allow for evaluation of intervention effectiveness.
3. Complete progress monitoring in FastBridge
- FastBridge sends scores to Student Success nightly
- The score data attaches to the student's record and is then displayed on the individual student’s record AND, for the selected PM measure, in the individual or group intervention plan.
4. Analyze student's PM and intervention data in Student Success
Where to go for what?
Here's another helpful tool, from the MTSS Data System Training Session 2020 (Slides).