Literacy Status is a risk indicator that is part of the Iowa Early Literacy Initiative (ELI). Learn more in What is a literacy status & how is it determined?
While the status is visible on the student’s individual record in Student Success, the ability to view by and filter reports by literacy status provide opportunities to evaluate and make decisions based on the data. Users are able to easily create groups and/or apply intervention plans based on literacy status, as well as compare how students across statuses are performing relative to the healthy indicators.
Important Note: color coding in Student Success is not related to literacy status. Red, Yellow and Green are Panorama’s color codes for at benchmark, below, and far below benchmark.
View Report by Literacy Status
Reminder: results on past healthy indicator reports will reflect students’ literacy status at the time the report was frozen, at the end of the screening window.
To view report data broken down by literacy status, click Literacy Status under VIEW BY on the left menu.
*visual above is a non-printable gif animation
Tip: District and school level users should use the Literacy Status filter to compare to state or AEA data. Selecting Literacy Status under View by doesn’t separate the State/AEA data in the ‘compare’ section of the page.
Filter Report by Literacy Status
Reminder: results on past healthy indicator reports will reflect students’ literacy status at the time the report was frozen, at the end of the screening window, but could potentially update if within-window screening data arrive into the Student Success system after the window is closed.
To filter reports by literacy status, click Demographics located under FILTERS in the left menu and select one or more literacy status.
*visual above is a non-printable gif animation
Use Smart Groups to quickly access students by literacy status
Create and share smart groups based on filters, such as Persistently At Risk literacy status, to quickly access the list of students who meet that criteria throughout the year. Smart groups are dynamic, which means the students in the group will be updated to remove/add students automatically as the filter criteria (in this case literacy status) changes after screening.