How to Create an Intervention

For Iowa, intervention plans are entered and evaluated in the Student Success data system. Interventions entered in a progress monitoring group in FastBridge will not transfer to Student Success and will not count for state reporting. For that reason, we do not suggest entering interventions in FastBridge. There are two intervention plan options available in Student Success: Individual and group intervention plans.

Individual intervention plans are assigned to a single student, although the intervention method used may be one that's commonly used with students. The intervention will be visible on the student's record and  intervention team members can access an intervention report on the My Plans page. Group intervention plans allow you to group students receiving the same intervention and progress monitoring measure together. The intervention will be visible on the individual student record but intervention team members may also view group reports on the My Group Plans page.

Create an Intervention Plan

1. Select student or students for the intervention plan

For an individual student intervention:

  • Click the student name on the Students tab or use the student search box at the top
  • Click Create Plan on the student's profile page

For a group intervention:

  • Select the students by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the students' names. This can be done on the Students tab or in a static or smart group list. 
  • Click Create group intervention plan on the action menu that appears at the top of the page


2. Enter the intervention plan details in the pop-up

  • Group name
  • Intervention type: Literacy, Math, Behavior or Attendance
  • Tier - See: What tier is it?
  • Focus area - click on the ? next to focus area for more information about this field
  • Intervention goal
  • Intervention strategies - Choose intervention from the library in the drop-down (See also: How do I add or remove strategies from the drop-down?) or create a custom strategy. Custom strategies created in an intervention are not banked.
    Note about the intervention strategy recommendation labels
    • District library: the strategy is in the district library.
    • District recommended: the strategy is in the district library and it has the criteria that match the intervention type, tier, and age. The district may not recommend the intervention, depending on how closely the library is maintained and whether the default interventions that aren't desired by the district have been removed.
    • Playbook recommended (for districts purchasing separate Panorama SEL products only): the strategy is from Playbook and has criteria that match the intervention type, tier, and age. A link will open to the strategy in Playbook.
  • Start date
  • Duration
  • Schedule (optional)
  • Intervention references (optional)

3. Click Continue and enter progress monitoring details

  • Champion - See: Teachers are missing from the champions list, how do I add them?
  • Monitoring method - Important Note: if you don't see a measure in the list, it means your building hasn't used that measure yet in the current school year. Once a student (any student) in the district has a score for that assessment, it will populate in this drop-down. When selecting the PM method, please make sure you're selecting the option with the correct PM grade level in parenthesis for measures with grade level options. If you select a measure without a grade level, the data will not connect.
  • Monitoring frequency - Tip: this controls the progress due alert on interventions so select the intended frequency to ensure correct alerts
  • Pre-intervention reflection (optional)

4. Click Create Intervention.

5. In the intervention, go to Manage Team and add at least one other staff member who is collaborating for the success of the student to the intervention plan team.

At a minimum, we suggest adding the instructional coach or other teacher leadership. It is important to have more than one staff member on the team to allow access to updating/managing the intervention in the absence of the champion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teachers are missing from champion or intervention team list, how do I add them?

Here’s what’s required for a staff member to populate in the list of available champions/team members:

  • They must have access to the student(s) in Student Success. In other words, they can see the student on their Student's tab. For the classroom user role, this means the student must be scheduled into at least one course with the teacher.
  • They must have logged into student Student Success at least once
  • Overnight refresh must run after the staff member logged in. Note: this is only for others to see the staff member in the list of champions. Users will see themselves in the list upon first login. 

How do I add or remove items from the strategies drop-down?

Each district selects one Intervention Bank Editor to maintain the library of pre-populated interventions for the district; contact your district’s Intervention Bank Editor for assistance adding or removing strategies. To add an intervention strategy that is unique to an individual student or group of students and not used frequently by others in the district, use the ‘custom’ option in the strategies drop-down.

What Tier is it?

”Tier” is sometimes used to indicate the intensity of intervention. In Iowa, you are more likely to see the terms “targeted” and “intensive” intervention in the Intervention System Guide (p. 8). Generally speaking, targeted (tier 2) interventions group together students with similar needs and intensive (tier 3) interventions are based on individual diagnostics to pinpoint the individual issues. Both can be delivered in a small group setting, and note that specially designed instruction (SDI) for special education may exist across the tiers of intervention; it is not its own separate tier.

Additional FAQs available in: Frequently Asked Intervention Questions

Glossary of Terms

Intervention type: The area of focus for your intervention. Though interventions can cover multiple focus areas, it is important to choose the primary one as the type; you can always create another intervention for the same student if you need to. By default, this is set to ELA. Selecting a type also allows you to organize your interventions.

Tier: The level of intensity of the support. Select Tier 2 if a subset of all students at the school receive this support. Select Tier 3 if the support is directed at very few students and requires external resources.  By default, this is set to Tier 2.

Goal: The skills to build or areas to improve.  We recommend framing these notes as positive (opportunity to grow) rather than negative (problem to solve). 

Intervention strategies: A list of actions or activities you can take to support a student (customized by your district). You can use "+Add custom strategy" to write one in yourself, which will not be added to the district library.

Champion: The educator responsible for carrying out the intervention with fidelity. The champion dropdown only shows educators who have access to a student's profile and have logged into the system at least a day ago.

Start date: The date the intervention is set to begin, which can be today or any date in the past or future. By default, this is set to today's date.

Duration: The expected length of the intervention. By default, this is set to 6 weeks. We recommend setting for the full year and reviewing, as needed.

Schedule: Adding a schedule allows you to set a session frequency and duration to better explain how often you meet or intervene with a student. 

Monitoring frequency: How frequently you expect the champion to update progress. By default, this is set to “Weekly.” Other options include “Bi-weekly” and “Monthly.”

How will you track progress?  The tools and resources you’ll use to track student progress. If you are progress monitoring in FastBridge, you can select it in this field. If you choose Notes only, you will be able to track progress through observational notes. An intervention with a progress monitoring assessment will include a graph that plots a student’s scores over time compared to their goal, though you can also add observational notes as needed.

Monitoring Method: A list of FastBridge assessments to track progress. You may also choose "Custom method" to add your own.

Baseline: This field is visible if the Monitoring method is set to Custom method. It's the place the student is starting at. Enter the student’s most recent score. If the student hasn’t taken the assessment yet, enter “0.” 

Target: This field is visible if the Monitoring method is set to Custom method. The desired score that will indicate that the intervention was successful.