Add a Student to an existing group intervention
Any member of the intervention team can add students to the group intervention plan. When adding a student to an existing group plan, be aware that the student will have the same start date, end date, etc. as the entire group. This means if a group plan was created in September and a student is added in February, it will appear that the student has been in the group plan since September. There isn't a way to edit the start date of individual students in a group plan.
1. On the Group Plans page
2. Click on the group intervention plan
3. Click the More action button. Select Add Students in the drop-down.
4. Begin typing the student’s name in the search field. Select the student’s name in the drop-down.
5. Click Save. The student is now in the plan group with the same intervention details such as start date, duration, etc.
Student’s name not in the drop down?
Confirm the spelling of the student’s name and that the student is listed on your Student’s tab in Student Success. If not, check the data entry into your student information system to ensure the student has an active school enrollment. For classroom users, also confirm the student is scheduled into one of your courses.
Special Instructions for Plans with AIMSweb Math PM
Due to a known issue, an error occurs when adding students to existing intervention plan groups that have AIMSweb math selected as the PM measure. The workarounds suggested are: 1) Create an individual intervention plan for the student, instead of adding to a plan group, or; 2) delete the existing intervention plan group and recreate it with the additional student included, using the original start date.
Delete an Intervention Plan
Only the plan creator, champion, or intervention team member can delete an intervention plan. Delete is generally used when a group intervention plan was created by mistake or student was added in error. To avoid possible mistakes or confusion, we recommend collaborating with your team to determine who will be responsible for maintaining the intervention plan. Once deleted, intervention plan information is completely removed from the system and cannot be restored.
To delete a student from a plan group, which will remove all record of the intervention from the student’s record:
1. On the Students tab, select My Group Plans under Interventions on the left
2. Click on the group intervention plan
3. Click on the student to display details
4. Click the More actions button and select Delete plan in the drop-down
5. Click Delete in the pop-up to confirm
Delete the whole group intervention plan:
Warning! this also deletes the intervention plan from all students in the plan group
1. On the Students tab, select My Group Plans under Interventions on the left
2. Click on the student to display details
3. Click the More actions button and select Delete group plan in the drop-down
4. Click Delete in the pop-up to confirm. Remember: Once deleted, the intervention can't be restored!
Review your Group Interventions
Students in group interventions are listed on the Intervention Plans page but Group Plans allows the users the opportunity to view and manage the group and students within the group.
- Group name
- Enrollment (number of students/plans) in the group
- Strategies in use
- Week: current week of total number of weeks
- % on track: On track status is defined by the most recent PM score of each individual plan -- a student can be On track (green - above the goal line), Progressing (yellow - somewhat below the goal line), or Behind (red - far below the goal line) when it comes to meeting the goal of the intervention.
- % up to date: Up to date is defined by whether the most recent progress update falls within the expected monitoring frequency on the plan. For example, if a plan’s monitoring frequency is set to Weekly, the plan will be up to date (green) if a PM score was collected in the last week (or progress notes made if not an intervention monitored by automated PM data collection). If it has been more than a week since the last update, an update will be due (yellow). If it has been more than two weeks since the last update, it will be overdue (red).
- Champion
Click on the group intervention to see additional intervention details and manage the group with options available via the More actions and Manage team buttons:
Within the group, click on the + to the left of the student’s name to view the student’s graph, notes and other details, as well as the student More actions menu.